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Friday, September 4, 2020
Prejudices in Workplace Essay Example for Free
Partialities in Workplace Essay Part I Select three of the character classifications beneath and name or portray in any event 3 related generalizations for each: †¢ Race †¢ Ethnicity †¢ Religion †¢ Gender †¢ Sexual direction †¢ Age †¢ Disability |Category |Stereotype 1 |Stereotype 2 |Stereotype 3 | |Race | People say individuals of color are languid. |People state white individuals are savvy |People state Jews are modest however | |and blondies are stupid. |rich. | |Religion |Wiccan Pentacle Study, love the|Gothic individuals are odd and |Muslims are psychological militant and ladies | |devil. |violent.|are underneath them. | |Sexual Orientation |When somebody see a ladylike man |When somebody sees manly ladies |People state homosexuality isn't right | |and call him gay. |she is a lesbian. |and shameless. | Part II Answer each question in 50 to 100 words identified with those generalizations. Give references to all the sources you use. What are the positive parts of generalizations, assuming any? The parts of constructive generalizations can be sure if an individual know the distinction and have the information to comprehend what an individual might be expressing. In the event that we want to somebody as a â€Å"jock†we are recognizing that this individual is into sports. An individual that is known to be wanted to by â€Å"Gothic†or â€Å"Punk†is a direct result of the kind of music they tune in to and the sort of attire they wear. Generally nobody is annoyed by this since it is real and obvious and these are sure parts of generalizations. What are the negative parts of generalizations? The pessimistic parts of generalizations are the absence of comprehension, the numbness, and the marking of somebody to offend them as an individual or a gathering of individuals. An individual may see a female with a short hair style like a man and consider them a barrier without becoming acquainted with who that individual is and accepting this is the thing that they are. Part III Answer each question in 50 to 150 words identified with those generalizations. Give references to all the sources you use. Characterize generalizations and preference. What is the distinction among generalizing and bias? Use guides to show the distinctions. Generalization is something adjusting to a fixed or general example, a normalized mental picture that is held in like manner by individuals from a gathering and that speaks to a misrepresented conclusions, biased disposition, or uncritical judgment. Bias is prejudgment and adverse demeanor dependent on sex, race, age, sexual direction, nationality, financial status, and religion towards an individual or gathering of individuals. The contrast among generalization and preference is that generalization is normalized convictions about individuals dependent on some earlier suppositions. Preference is a kind of judgment or presumption about someone before having adequate information to decide with exactness. Case of generalization is all cops eat doughnuts. Case of partiality is an association that recruits more guys and reject females are known to be preference. What is the connection among generalizing and partiality? The connection among generalizing and partiality is that generalizing advances bias and that preference decrease relies upon generalization change. Partiality likewise impacts the degree of generalizing. The significant hypothetical custom places that this impact develops on the grounds that preference empowers the utilization of generalizations as a way to legitimize cultural imbalance (for example , Allport, 1954; Katz Braly, 1933; Lippmann, 1922). What should be possible to keep preference from happening? Bigotry comes from obliviousness and haughtiness this go connected at the hip and individuals need to comprehend and have the information not to pre-judge individuals. So as to keep preference from happening we have to start now with the manner in which we are bringing up our youngsters and show them not to be critical and assume individuals before we become more acquainted with somebody. Show them not to expect dislike somebody as a result of the shade of their skin or where they originate from. Individuals are individuals regardless of what they may resemble, becoming acquainted with an individual is significant and not to pass judgment flippantly. Have rallies of all race and culture so individuals can have a superior comprehension of others. It begins at home show your youngsters a superior way with the goal that they will comprehend life in a superior point of view. Reference: Voices. yippee. com/generalizing, Psychology. about. com, www. merriam-webster. com/word reference, azam. organization.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Feudal System :: Medieval Civilization, The Middle Ages, Feudalism
Most of medieval human advancement was a period of effortlessness and minimal social turn of events. Feudalism was the structure that administered medieval society and came to speak to this timeframe. The congregation turned into the widespread image of medieval solidarity. Close to the furthest limit of the medieval period, be that as it may, town life and enormous scope exchange and trade were restored. Incredible changes occurred in the congregation encouraging another time and change. Feudalism was an arrangement of government that gave the structure to the political, social, and financial parts of medieval human advancement. It comprised of agreements between individuals from the honorability and less incredible aristocrats who filled in as their vassals. Financially it was an agreement between the serfs who cultivated that land and the aristocrats who claimed it. Feudalism was intricate and confounding somehow or another, yet it could likewise be taken a gander at as straightforward. It was built in a pyramid or chess board-like structure. Rulers were at the top in spite of the fact that they didn't have a lot of intensity, masters and vassals followed the lord and had control of the lesser aristocrats. The serfs were at the base of the pyramid. A house, also called the lord’s domain, was the place everybody lived and worked. In return for a spot to live, food, and for the most part insurance, the serfs cultivated the land. Agribusiness was the establishm ent of feudalism, where land and food was utilized to bargain for different things. There were diverse charges and places of unmistakable individuals on the house. This outlines the multifaceted nature of primitive life during the medieval ages. In the event that you take a gander at it as what the obligations were of every particular class you see the straightforwardness of feudalism. Every individual from medieval society had its own specific errands to perform. The serfs preformed the most work serious errands and regularly did likewise ordinary. The knights secured the house and the rulers were liable for dealing with everybody on their estate. The medieval framework could be contrasted with a cutting edge enterprise. The serfs could be taken a gander at as the laborers, the masters as the board, the knights to the security, and the lord would be the CEO of the organization. Feudalism was mind boggling in its association and basic it its execution. During a large portion of the medieval timespan the congregation was the focal point of society and was the tradition that must be adhered to. The congregation directed strategic approaches, had the ability to burden, controlled all individuals through the intensity of suspens ion and had impact on the stylish parts of life.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Waiting for the Bus free essay sample
The previous summer, I got myself  sitting on a love seat inverse a 38-year-old Filipino man named Peter who possessed a scent like stale fish, soil, and a fantasy conceded. â€Å"Where are you from?†I inquired. â€Å"Here.†â€Å"What made you homeless?†â€Å"I need my green card.†â€Å"Where do you remain and get food?†â€Å"I need my green card. I need †¦ my green card. I go clean the shopping center. I make arrangements for the future.†I later found, by conversing with the soup kitchen staff, that Peter is intellectually crippled. He moved to the U.S. at the point when he was five, however he despite everything had a complement. He most likely previously had his citizenship. This was an unusual method to investigate a social point. My best friend’s mother was the administrator at a destitute safe house, and their gathering pledges occasion was coming up. My companion was a film major at our school, and I was an auditorium major, so we pooled our gifts and made a narrative about the reasons for vagrancy and how the sanctuary had helped many discover directing, food, safe house, and showers. We will compose a custom exposition test on Hanging tight for the Bus or then again any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page I talked with; she shot. It immediately became clear that  Peter wasn’t the main vagrant with apparently impossible issues. There was Don, a 58-year-old expert alcoholic who had been in and out of recovery and prison the greater part of his life. He was a bright narrator †he reviewed in distinctive detail being there the first run through Ozzy Osbourne bit off a bat’s head. A weed stem was inked on his arm. At the point when he was 15, his companion began to ink the tattoo, however Don chose to stop part of the way through the procedure †a fitting similitude for his life. Each time he went into recovery, each time it looked as though he had discovered stable job, he quit partially through. At that point there was the lady basically known as the Bag Lady. A jumpy schizophrenic, she had amassed a  collection of garbage and kept it in a staple truck, never letting it out of her sight. She went through her days sitting tight for a transport that never came; she would examine every one that passed her stop, constantly concluding it was an inappropriate one. She kept all her garments layered on her body, in any event, during the severely sweltering and damp Georgia summers. At some point, she strangely attempted to take off her garments to scrub down at the  shelter. She couldn’t. Sweat and soil had put them to her body, and my friend’s mother needed to scam them her. She became insane when we requested to talk with her. As I helped set up the camera in the cafeteria to container over the room, I became overpowered watching everybody. Diminish petitioned God for his green card. Wear showed the tattoo that was rarely finished. The Bag Lady gazed out the window at her stop with the expectation that her transport would at last show up. I could just think about that fantasy conceded. My examinations in vagrancy proceeded with long after the camera quit rolling. I  conducted more meetings, this time for myself. A large portion of these individuals were tossed onto the roads in light of the fact that a  unexpected obligation had overturned their  already unpredictable check to-check presence, or on the grounds that they were addicts who had never discovered sufficient restoration, or in light of the fact that they had a psychological sickness. Understanding the delicacy of the line that isolates â€Å"person†from â€Å"homeless person†has helped me treat everybody with sympathy. Rather than addressing the destitute on not utilizing government assistance to purchase medications or embracing my tote as I speed by a recreation center seat, I set aside some effort to hear them out. This experience likewise helped when I worked for the Obama crusade. I enrolled a larger number of individuals to cast a ballot in one day than most understudies did in seven days, since I moved toward the individuals lying on park seats, the ex-criminals and vagrants who didn’t realize that they could cast a ballot in Georgia. One man cried as he rounded out the enlistment structure; the State of Georgia had taken his vote from him 20 years prior. From that point onward, the Savannah crusade held drives at all the destitute safe houses. Finding out about the situation of vagrants has made my reality somewhat more excellent. I took in the distinction between a mandolin and a guitar from a road performer named Guitar Bob. I found out about the historical backdrop of metal  music from Don. Al showed me how to weave a rose out of palm tree leaves. In particular, I discovered that these individuals are not government assistance leeches, tranquilize abusers, or society’s difficulty to shoulder. Vagrants have explicit issues that aren’t difficult to oversee, and with a smidgen of exertion and  ingenuity, maybe one day their transport will at last come.
Professional Development Plan Essay Example for Free
Proficient Development Plan Essay The gathering individuals from Learning Team D 3 took a Disk appraisal test to decide their character styles, qualities and shortcomings, and zones that need upgrade. The gathering individuals are (Antonia, Brenda, Matthew, Robin, Steven). The Professional Development Plan will give a portrayal of the qualities, and shortcomings every character styles, distinctions every style offer, and attributes that may cause strife, and how every style can cooperate for the improvement of the association. Just as to show how I, the supervisor can improve my capacities to lead from each colleague. The Disk appraisal produced two character types inside the gathering: Cautious, and Dominance. Three out of the five individuals from the gathering including my-self are named as Cautious. The Cautious qualities involves freedom, trustworthy, great audience members, pose various inquiries over basic data, and are acceptable at finish, they need flawlessness, and will in general be tense with themselves as well as other people when under tension, they have a characteristic interest in individuals, and are worried about what individuals anticipate, think, and feel, they have solid expressions of love to their own advantages, underestimating the time required to finish errands, being instinctive and attentive about circumstances and individuals, they will in general partner their self-esteem with their work achievements, and are charmed by ideas, thoughts and procedures. They are known for being assessors and will in general have solid suppositions about individuals and gatherings with whom they don't concur or recognize. Their shortcomings of Cautious are they will in general work at a moderate pace, not at all like The Dominance character types who are objective situated, quick paced, take authority, and ready to challenge obsolete reasoning and thoughts. Strength shortcomings are what make them stand apart from Cautious character type. Strength isn't reluctant to twist the principles; they become irritated with postponements, and want to request pardoning than request consent to settle on certain choice on assignments. All together for each gathering part to cooperate as a group; it is critical to initially see each member’s qualities and shortcomings and use them as an apparatus for the groupâ to achieve their objective. Assessing the diverse character types I’ve arrive at the resolution that Dominance and Cautious sorts are compar ative in character attributes, they are both issue solvers, effective, beneficial, free, and have a similar feeling of disturbances. The main contrasts between these two kinds are the pace where they decide to work. The Cautious style wants to work at a more slow pace while, the Dominance style likes to work at quicker pace. Therefore, seeing every character styles, the qualities of every part, and what each gathering shares for all intents and purpose. We presently need to use every one of these attributes and use them as an apparatus to achieve our objectives. For instance, if our gathering was working for a money related association, the Cautious kinds would be best spot in a Human Resources position or even in the Marketing division. Those positions require people that have such qualities as being thorough, autonomous laborers, and finish on particular kinds of assignments. Predominance type would be more prominent in administrative situations, for they like to assume responsibility, and are agreeable in a quick paced condition; they are happy to take on difficulties head on, and don’t mind facing challenges. All together for the association to run easily every one of these positions need each other so as to get effective, and to function as a group. Despite the fact that my character style is Cautious I feel a decent pioneer is normally enthusiastic about the association and their work, oozes trust in their capacities, can composes and understands complex circumstances, keeps up exclusive expectations and moves others to do likewise, can propel and motivate representatives, and is commonly turned upward to as an individual of vision (Hill, 2009). This is a statement I feel emphatically about and would need to put together my administration style with respect to. I concur with the entire proclamation it communicates, and feel I can be persuasive with my gathering and persuade them to achieve our objectives. As a pioneer, I anticipate learning the aptitudes that are required so as to improve as a pioneer/chief. The Disk appraisal has demonstrated the various attributes every character styles have. There are various characteristics each type shared, and a not many that could cause clashes, we should discover that we are on the whol e various people who have diverse learning styles and qualities, therefore, we much gain from one another so as to develop and turn out to be better people, and need to help each other to be better people whether in work or instructive condition. It is imperativeâ that each gathering part have a comprehension on the most proficient method to depend on one another despite the fact that there is uneasiness with the different sorts of characters. My ability to lead the group will be founded on my readiness to gain from each colleague and to comprehend that we should function as a group and not as a free individual on a task. The entirety of the data gave above arrangement will be directed intently, with occasional gatherings sorted out so as to permit representatives to give their perspectives, conclusion and worries about different themes, that way it will assist with guaranteeing that full consistence is being accomplished. I trust it is basic that customary (week after week) observing is performed to ensure that the association remains on target on all assignments, and concerns are being talked about, this will help guarantee the drawn out accomplishment of the association, and perceiving each individual’s style, just as their qualities, and shortcomings will allow an increasingly close to home and individualized methodology taken with respect to group elements and objective accomplishment. Reference Alessandra, Tony, Ph.D., and Michael J. O’Connor, Ph.D. 1996. The Platinum Ruleâ ®. New York, NY: Warner Books. Circle Test and Disk Assessment: Explained. (2013). Recovered from Hill, C. (2009). NY Daily News. Recovered from pioneer article-1.372028 Robbins, S. P., Judge, T. A. (2013). Hierarchical Behavior (fifteenth ed.). : Pearson. College of Phoenix. (2014). Plate Assessments [Multimedia]. Recovered from University of Phoenix, LDR531 site.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Puerto Rico Court System Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Puerto Rico Court System - Research Paper Example There are different shortcomings that could be recognized out of the current legal frameworks and this is as recorded by Griffin and Abbot (2006). Understanding the qualities and the shortcomings would without a doubt go far in illuminating what should comprise an attractive legal framework. One of the solid focuses in Griffin and Abbot (2006) is that they build up a similar way to deal with legal frameworks, and this methodology is worthwhile in light of the fact that it doesn't just give instances of defects by and by that ought to be tended to yet additionally a few qualities that could be embraced, for example, by recently settled states. As indicated by Griffin and Abbot (2006), U.S legal framework is established in a government way whereby each state inside the league has an alternate legal framework. Under the state court framework, one is respected honest until demonstrated liable. This suggests the weight to demonstrate one’s honesty lies with the state and not the individual being denounced. The framework is made more grounded on the grounds that it is the duty of the state to see somebody as blameworthy along these lines making an individual idealistic about their blamelessness winning. Another part of this legal procedure is that a criminal is guaranteed of a reasonable, snappy preliminary just as appreciate the benefit of being decided by legal advisers. This implies not a solitary appointed authority can settle on one’s destiny as it is the situation in different nations. It likewise infers that an individual who is honest has all the proof assessed before making the sentence. These components are without a doubt the solid purposes of legal frameworks and illuminate any benchmark to comprise an alluring court framework, for example, for a recently settled state... These components are without a doubt the solid purposes of legal frameworks and illuminate any benchmark to comprise an alluring court framework, for example, for a recently settled state. Nonetheless, there is a confinement to this as in a great part of the proof might be suspended because of the method. A cop gathering proof must do as such as indicated by set down resolutions else they should be possible away with. For this situation, proof on tape can't be mulled over if the charged didn't know that a chronicle was occurring as he was being cross examined by the police. This has prompted blameworthy individuals leaving without any penalty for wrongdoings they have submitted. This is on the grounds that the death of sentence is suggested by a similar board of legal scholars who decided their case the procedure turns out to be reasonable. Besides, the procedure gives makes a decision about a ton of opportunity while condemning crooks. Reeves (2008), refers to instances of situation s where two individuals get distinctive time spans when they have submitted a similar lawful offense. That will in general be one of the weaknesses of the state legal procedure. The article proposes one rule, neither ought to there be least nor most extreme sentence.Unfortunately, segregation when passing greatest sentence is by all accounts bound to dark guys, as most of the populace gets reasonable sentencing.â
Friday, August 7, 2020
When Econ Comes to Life
When Econ Comes to Life During your first day at MIT, after you check in for Orientation, theres usually a table in the back of the room thats piled full of helpful handouts. Although Ive since forgotten what most of the papers were, theres always big white poster entitled One Hundred and One Things to Do Before You Graduate. Its a shame that I actually misplaced my poster and have to rely on the copy that my friend Anna has hanging up in her room. At last count (beginning of the year this year), Ive done just over half of all the items on that chart. One item that I particularly remember, however, is Attend a Nobel Laureate Lecture. I think it was in the comments of these very blogs that I remember a poster saying, I cant wait until I get to MIT and brush shoulders with Nobel Prize laureates and study their theories in the lab. Although at last count, theres 7 active Nobel laureates* on the MIT faculty, its definitely possible to run into esteemed faculty who have won National Medals of Science**, Pulitzer Prize***, and other prestigious honors in the Infinite, at Stata Center, or more commonly, in lecture halls. (* Professor Robert Horvitz, who won the 2002 Nobel Prize for Medicine for his work with the genetics of C. elegans, works in the lab right next to my UROP with the same worm. I attended a couple of Horvitz lab meetings! ** Professor Robert Weinberg, co-professor of the fall introductory bio class, 7.012, and Robert Langer, head of the huge Langer Lab on campus (where many undergrads such as Paul worked at for UROPs), won the National Medal of Science in 1997 and 2006, respectively. (why are these distinguished scientists all Robert/Bobs?) *** Professor Junot Diaz, associate professor in Course 21W (Writing and Humanistic Studies), was awarded the Pulitzer Prize just this year for his novel The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao.) To date, I had attended three lectures given by Nobel Prize laureates, and I had the pleasure of attending another such lecture on Thursday afternoon, given by Harvard Professor Gregory Mankiw (but MIT PhD. 84) and Professor Emeritus Robert Solow (Nobel Laureate in Economics, 1987 another Robert!!). Photo credit: MIT News Office. Professor Mankiw is on the far left and Professor Solow is on the far right. I especially wanted to blog about this because: -Im very interested in Economics (or Course 14), and I am considering it as a minor or a potential double major. -The world is going through a global financial crisis, and its a dynamic time to be studying economics. -Both Mankiw and Solow are now extremely familiar names to me through studying Macroecon (14.02) this semester. So heres the deal: Mankiw is the person that wrote my 14.02 textbook, and Solow is the person that developed the Solow Growth Model which dominated Chapters 7 and 8 of the said book. Anyhow, it was quite exciting to be in such distinguished company since it was like a omg-I-cant-believe-these-people-are-live! kind of feeling (kinda like a kid seeing Mickey Mouse the first time at Disneyland, if you get my gist =p). The seminar itself was pretty interesting. Its helpful to know that actually Mankiw is a Republican, and was one of President Bushs economic advisers from 2003 to 2005. While Solow, on the other hand, explicitly stated that he didnt even consider voting for anyone other than Obama. Its also interesting to note that Mankiw was a MIT grad who spent his teaching career at Harvard, while Solow was a Harvard grad who spent his teaching career at MIT (this comment brought hearty laughter from the audience). Both professors opened the session by providing a 20-minute outline of issues and topics that would be of concern in the future Obama administration, while taking questions from the audience for the remaining 20. Both professors, in their initial discourse, discussed the current financial crisis, with Mankiw pointing out that the financial crisis precipitated from a mis-management in the housing market. Solow followed this up by saying that now, what is most important for the US to do is to prevent the loss of total output which is inherent in a recession (for example, like what happened during the Great Depression the theory is that as long as productivity levels do not decrease, the economy isnt truly in a recession and theres still ways to alleviate the problem). Also, since Fed chairman Bernanke had already loaned where no man had loaned before, this crisis cannot be resolved solely through monetary policy, since that channel has already been exhausted. Furthermore, Solow calls for the distribution of large federal grants to state/local governments, extending unemployment insurance, and promoting infrastructural spending as pointers for the new government. However, the challenge is doing all of these while closing the national deficit. He directly pointed out that the reason why the United States has such a big deficit is because the public doesnt save, but the government consumes a lot. In addition, both professors discussed the increasingly controversial topic of health care, with Mankiw supporting the $5000 tax credit plan proposed by McCain through the campaign (McCain promised a return of $5000 in tax credit to individuals for the use of items such as health care), while Solow pointed out that $5000 hardly covers the aggregate cost of medical treatment nowadays for any significant disease. Instead, he proposed a bottom-up approach seeking an alternative of creating an external agency in evaluating the pricing of new medical products in an effort of keeping medical costs down, in the same way that Great Britain had attempted to deal with its health care. Solow further calls for a growing recognition of the problem of increased inequality in the current American society. Especially, he calls for the government to stop favoring the high income earners because what is essentially happening in America now is that the rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer. Mankiw agrees, stating that the current system which strongly favors the income of the financial sector is not going to resolve the wealth disparity. In Q/A section at the end, one interesting question that was posed was whether the government should bail out General Motors, in the same way that the government intervened with Wall Street. Solow stated that there isnt a point pouring money into a system thats already broken whats important is getting to the root of the problem in the system and fixing it. Mankiw replied in the affirmative to the question posed, but given that private investors would be willing to sponsor the action, since theres also no point in investing in a company that had already lost its investment return viability. Again, I think this is one of the most amazing things about MIT that classroom learning doesnt just occur in the classes, but also carries over to current issues in the field. You see it everywhere students doing UROP work on cutting-edge research topics just like any other researcher in the field, colloquiums featuring outstanding scientists from around the world discussing their research (that is, if you can even understand the extent of their work), and accomplished faculty taking time away from their research to teach undergraduate classes (just last week I discovered the lecturer for 7.03, Professor Fink, is actually one of the worlds most renowned yeast geneticists!). I guess I really have to work harder. ^_____^
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
The Jazz Movement - Free Essay Example
Jazz is a style of music inspired from African rhythms and European harmonies. Jazz music primarily came from West Africa when slaves came to the south of the US. Slaves would sing jazz songs while working on plantations. Later on jazz was merged with European styles of music, which changed the style a bit (Schuller). The spread of jazz music mixed French, Spanish, Anglo, and African cultures (Ciment 307). Jazz music is characterised by rhythms, ensemble playing, improvisation, etc. A lot of classical composers such as Aaron Copland, John Alden Carpenter, and Igor Stravinsky began playing and making jazz music because of the unique rhythms, melodies, and articulations. That made jazz music begin to spread more. (Schuller). Jazz was played before the 1920s but the popularity grew absurdly during that time, especially after World War I, since many jazz musicians moved to big northern cities during that time (The Jazz Age). Jazz music is constantly evolving so there is no limit as to what can be done with it, which is why it’s so hard to define. Different composers use various styles of jazz, and have different definitions for it. Jazz was played in speakeasies and nightclubs and oftentimes owners would pay to have the police ignore the clubs, since they were illegal at the tim (The Jazz Age). Jazz music had a big impact on American culture as it crossed racial lines in the 1920s since white audiences would listen to African American jazz musicians (Ciment 308). Tension between races began to lessen a bit since cultures mixed, but there was still plenty of racial prejudice during the time. For example, white jazz musicians were given more airtime than African American jazz musicians due to racism in radio stations (The Jazz Age). On a more positive note, jazz music opened new job opportunities for the women of the 1920s in the entertainment industry. However, they were not very well known until the 1930s (The Jazz Age). The persistence these female musicians had made it easier for other female artists who dreamed of making it in the entertainment world. Unfortunately, the relaxed and fun times created by the jazz age didnt last long, since it was then followed by the stock market crash that led to the great depression during the 1930s, which caused panic and hard times for Americans (The Jazz Age).
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