Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Slavery’s Implications Essays
Slavery’s Implications Essays Slavery’s Implications Essay Slavery’s Implications Essay Often times, intelligent people can utterly disagree on a point and all make compelling arguments for their position. Such contentious issues tend to be ones that are very interesting to discuss. In fact, one such example can be found in the idea, proposed by Frederick Douglass in his autobiography, that the institution of slavery was as deleterious to some of â€Å"the white owners and overseers†as it was to â€Å"the slaves.† This concept, which as a matter of subjective opinion could be argued almost endlessly with no resolution, still brings up extraordinarily interesting issues. Indeed, one could argue that the â€Å"white owners and overseers†were harmed by slavery just as much as the slaves were, due to things such as physical harm, societal harm, and moral harm. It would, perhaps, be apropos to begin with what is probably the least detrimental of the damages that slavery visited upon those who wielded it, namely physical harm. Of course, particularly in light of the many atrocities against slaves that are vividly detailed in Douglass’ autobiography, the idea that slavery physically harmed the slave-owners seems somewhat laughable. When one examines the question more closely, though, it seems apparent that there was in fact some physical damage done to the slave-owning aristocracy. For instance, at one point Douglass details the â€Å"management†of his master’s horses by two fellow slaves, both named Barney (Douglass 34). On the face of things, where exactly is the harm in that to his master, Colonel Lloyd? There doesn’t outwardly seem to be any. That, however, is the insidious nature of the harm that is taking place. Outwardly, the idea of having all the physical labor in one’s life done by someone else does not seem a particularly injurious occurrence. In truth, though, one is really being robbed of one of life’s most basic gifts, the feeling of an honest day’s labor. Needless to say, that doesn’t really compare to the level of actual physical damage that was done to the slaves themselves. It is important to remember, however, that pure physical hurt is not necessarily the litmus test for harm. For instance, in terms of societal harm, the white slave-owners of the south were hurt on a massive scale. An example of how this is so can be found in Frederick Douglass’ description of Mr. Severe, who â€Å"was rightly named: he was a cruel man.† (Douglass 29). Consider the following circumstance, for example, wherein Douglass talks about how he saw Severe, â€Å" ¼whip a woman, causing the blood to run half an hour at the time; and this, too, in the midst of her crying children, pleading for their mother’s release.† (Douglass 29). Now, in the majority of societies, an individual like Mr. Severe, who seemed to be a sociopathic lunatic, would end up incarcerated or somehow exiled from the remainder of society. Within the scope of a society employing slavery, though, he instead finds good employment and the perfect venue to display his sickening tendencies. This is just one example of the sort of damage that slavery did to the slave-owners’ societal fabric. Societal harm, however, pales in comparison to the injuries that slavery visited on the slave-owners morally. There are myriad ways that one could examine this moral decay, but one exceptional example can be found in Douglass’ analysis of the hypocritical nature of Christianity amongst slave-holders, found in the book’s appendix (Douglass 120). This is a truly wonderful condemnation of the ethical and moral environment that is allowed to thrive under slavery. Douglass writes, â€Å"He who sells my sister, for purposes of prostitution, stands forth as the pious advocate of purity.† (Douglass 121). Truly, such fearsome hypocrisy can only really come to be in a society in which the hypocritical base of power is that some people can own others for wholly arbitrary reasons. Likewise, the institution of slavery also destroyed the natural, intrinsic morality of its biggest proponents. For example, one might look at the two brutal, evil acts of murder that Douglass describes back to back, the murders of his wife’s cousin and an old man who was oyster fishing (Douglass 41-42). It is no secret that under slavery all of the darkest, most iniquitous inclinations of the human mind are unleashed. Things such as rape, incest, murder, and sheer sadism are unleashed when people are given total control to act with impunity towards another human being. Sometimes, however, it takes actual examples, described in black-and-white terms that are inescapable, to fully manifest the understanding of this in one’s mind. This is precisely what Douglass does throughout his autobiography. In the same way that Elie Wiesel chronicled the horrors of the holocaust in his book Night, Douglass systematically depicts the horrors of slavery, all to help those who cannot really conceive of it in their efforts to do so. In conclusion, it seems rather evident that one could make a convincing argument that the white slave-owners were as injured by slavery as were the slaves. Of course, as Frederick Douglass would’ve almost certainly admitted, self-inflicted injury is significantly less apt to be viewed compassionately compared to the terrible injury that was imposed on the slaves. On the other hand, the self-inflicted damage is in some ways infinitesimally more severe, due to the fact that there is no moral vindication like there is with the injury that happened to the slaves. In any case, this highly contentious subject matter is one that will continue to be fascinating and relevant for generations to come. In fact, the issue of slavery’s full implications is such a rich, deep subject that one could quite easily devote a lifetime, in its entirety, to nothing other than the study of such repercussions.
Friday, November 22, 2019
How Neil Armstrong Became the First Man on the Moon
How Neil Armstrong Became the First Man on the Moon For thousands of years, man had looked to the heavens and dreamed of walking on the moon. On July 20, 1969, as part of the Apollo 11 mission, Neil Armstrong became the very first to accomplish that dream, followed only minutes later by Buzz Aldrin. Their accomplishment placed the United States ahead of the Soviets in the Space Race and gave people around the world the hope of future space exploration. Fast Facts: First Moon Landing Date: July 20, 1969Mission: Apollo 11Crew: Neil Armstrong, Edwin Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins Becoming the First Person on the Moon When the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1 on October 4, 1957, the United States was surprised to find themselves behind in the race to space. Still behind the Soviets four years later, President John F. Kennedy gave inspiration and hope to the American people in his speech to Congress on May 25, 1961 in which he stated, I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the Earth. Just eight years later, the United States accomplished this goal by placing Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the moon. Portrait of American astronauts, from left, Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins, and Neil Armstrong, the crew of NASAs Apollo 11 mission to the moon, as they pose on a model of the moon, 1969. Ralph Morse / Getty Images Take Off At 9:32 a.m. on July 16, 1969, the Saturn V rocket launched Apollo 11 into the sky from Launch Complex 39A at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. On the ground, there were over 3,000 journalists, 7,000 dignitaries, and approximately a half million tourists watching this momentous occasion. The event went smoothly and as scheduled. CAPE KENNEDY, UNITED STATES - JULY 16, 1969: Composite 5 frame shot of the gantry retracting while the Saturn V boosters lift off to carry the Apollo 11 astronauts to the Moon.  Ralph Morse / Getty Images After one-and-a-half orbits around Earth, the Saturn V thrusters flared once again and the crew had to manage the delicate process of attaching the lunar module (nicknamed Eagle) onto the nose of the joined command and service module (nicknamed Columbia). Once attached, Apollo 11 left the Saturn V rockets behind as they began their three-day journey to the moon, called the translunar coast. A Difficult Landing On July 19, at 1:28 p.m. EDT, Apollo 11 entered the moons orbit. After spending a full day in lunar orbit, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin boarded the lunar module and detached it from the command module for their descent to the moons surface. As the Eagle departed, Michael Collins, who remained in the Columbia while Armstrong and Aldrin were on the moon, checked for any visual problems with the lunar module. He saw none and told the Eagle crew, You cats take it easy on the lunar surface. Members of the Kennedy Space Center control room team rise from their consoles to see the liftoff of the Apollo 11 mission 16 July 1969.  NASA / Getty Images As the Eagle headed toward the moons surface, several different warning alarms were activated. Armstrong and Aldrin realized that the computer system was guiding them to a landing area that was strewn with boulders the size of small cars. With some last-minute maneuvers, Armstrong guided the lunar module to a safe landing area. At 4:17 p.m. EDT on July 20, 1969, the landing module landed on the moons surface in the Sea of Tranquility with only seconds of fuel left. Armstrong reported to the command center in Houston, Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed. Houston responded, Roger, Tranquility. We copy you on the ground. You got a bunch of guys about to turn blue. Were breathing again. Walking on the Moon After the excitement, exertion, and drama of the lunar landing, Armstrong and Aldrin spent the next six-and-a-half hours resting and then preparing themselves for their moon walk. At 10:28 p.m. EDT, Armstrong turned on the video cameras. These cameras transmitted images from the moon to over half a billion people on Earth who sat watching their televisions. It was phenomenal that these people were able to witness the amazing events that were unfolding hundreds of thousands of miles above them. This grainy, black-and-white image taken on the Moon shows Neil Armstrong about to step off the Eagle lander and onto the surface of the Moon for the first time. NASA Neil Armstrong was the first person out of the lunar module. He climbed down a ladder and then became the first person to set foot on the moon at 10:56 p.m. EDT. Armstrong then stated, Thats one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. A few minutes later, Aldrin exited the lunar module and stepped foot on the moons surface. Working on the Surface Although Armstrong and Aldrin got a chance to admire the tranquil, desolate beauty of the moons surface, they also had a lot of work to do. NASA had sent the astronauts with a number of scientific experiments to set up and the men were to collect samples from the area around their landing site. They returned with 46 pounds of moon rocks. Armstrong and Aldrin also set up a flag of the United States. Armstrong and Aldrin unfurl the US flag on the moon, 1969. Apollo 11, the first manned lunar landing mission, was launched on 16 July 1969 and Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin became the first and second men to walk on the moon on 20 July 1969. The third member of the crew, Michael Collins, remained in lunar orbit. Oxford Science Archive / Getty Images While on the moon, the astronauts received a call from President Richard Nixon. Nixon began by saying, Hello, Neil and Buzz. I am talking to you by telephone from the Oval Office of the White House. And this certainly has to be the most historic telephone call ever made. I just cant tell you how proud we are of what you have done. Time to Leave After spending 21 hours and 36 minutes upon the moon (including 2 hours and 31 minutes of outside exploration), it was time for Armstrong and Aldrin to leave. To lighten their load, the two men threw out some excess materials like backpacks, moon boots, urine bags, and a camera. These fell to the moons surface and were to remain there. Also left behind was a plaque which read, Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the moon. July 1969, A.D. We came in peace for all mankind. Apollo 11 lunar module rising above the moon to rendezvous with command module before heading home, with half Earth visible over horizon in background. Time Life Pictures / NASA / Getty Images The lunar module blasted off from the moons surface at 1:54 p.m. EDT on July 21, 1969. Everything went well and the Eagle re-docked with the Columbia. After transferring all of their samples onto the Columbia, the Eagle was set adrift in the moons orbit. The Columbia, with all three astronauts back on board, then began their three-day journey back to Earth. Splash Down Before the Columbia command module entered the Earths atmosphere, it separated itself from the service module. When the capsule reached 24,000 feet, three parachutes deployed to slow down the Columbias descent. At 12:50 p.m. EDT on July 24, the Columbia safely landed in the Pacific Ocean, southwest of Hawaii. They landed just 13 nautical miles from the U.S.S. Hornet that was scheduled to pick them up. astronauts wait in life raft for a helicopter to lift them to the U.S.S. Hornet after successful splashdown July 24th. Astronauts Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Buzz Aldrin successfully completed moon mission. Theyre wearing isolation garments.  Bettmann / Getty Images Once picked up, the three astronauts were immediately placed into quarantine for fears of possible moon germs. Three days after being retrieved, Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins were transferred to a quarantine facility in Houston for further observation. On August 10, 1969, 17 days after splashdown, the three astronauts were released from quarantine and able to return to their families. The astronauts were treated like heroes on their return. They were met by President Nixon and given ticker-tape parades. These men had accomplished what men had only dared to dream for thousands of years- to walk on the moon.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Willmott Dixon placement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Willmott Dixon placement - Essay Example The Willmott Dixon Group has consistently been regarded as one of the Top 100 Best Companies to Work for in the UK, as recognized by Sunday Times (Willmott Dixon Group: Careers Overview n.d.). Established more than 160 years ago in 1852, Willmott Dixon boasts of having â€Å"employed 50 apprentices in 2010.. targetted 75 in 2011, and 100 by 2012†(Willmott Dixon Group, n.d.). In this regard, I would like to be part of the roster of privileged Birminghan City University students to be accepted for the three-month summer salaried placement at Willmott Dixon Construction. The ultimate reason why I should be considered for the placement program is my genuine desire to be of service to the construction company, regeneration and support services company. Its mission of providing â€Å"the expertise to efficiently meet our customers’ needs, achieve high performance targets and, at the same time, preserve our environment through the delivery of sustainable services†(Willmott Dixon Group: Support Services, n.d., p. 1) is shared with commitment and recognition for social responsibility and environmental protection. My nine years of extensive working experience in various capacities and roles manifest my conformity to giving importance to people as team members and accepting diversity as primost in significance. My communication and social skills enable me to adapt, adjust and respond to different working situations. My proficiency in different languages (English, Farsi, French, Pashto and Dari and Urdu) provides a plus factor in assisting understanding through verbal communication across diverse cultural backgrounds. The work experiences have developed holistic skills in the areas of leadership, problem-solving, conflict negotiation and decision-making, among others. However, regardless of the personal and professional achievements, I humbly acknowledge
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Democracy Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Democracy - Research Proposal Example It takes care of subjects related with political pluralism, equality in the wake of law and the right to submit petition for the elected officials. It also brings to light different matters pertaining to human rights, civil liberties, a number of varied elements of the civil society and the different institutions working under the auspices of the government of the state. The origin of democracy has come about from the Ancient Greek times. The Ancient Greek political and philosophical thoughts made use of democracy and its different undertakings in their day to day affairs and practice. Plato called democracy as the system of rule by the governed, which summed the whole essence of democracy in its truest sense. The Republics of Ancient India had some instances and traces of civilizations of democracy within their ranks. This was way before the birth of the Buddha. Thus the origins of democracy stretch quite back in time and a number of nations can hold themselves in line with the original basis that was brought forward by this system of government, ruling and indeed legislation. 1 In its truest meaning, democracy is a political philosophy more than anything else. It is a form of government which exists for the people and brought in essence by the people. Democracy calls for competitive elections which are mandatory within such a form of government. What this does is to elect people or office bearers who get the most votes in such an election exercise. These elections bring to light the aspects of freedom of speech, freedom for the press and television and radio as well as a general exercise of law within the very state in which elections are being carried out. In the name of democracy, it is significant that the civilian control of the military is kept away as much as possible since this gives rise to military dictatorship regimes and thus intervenes in the smooth political affairs and their undertakings. The major premise on which the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Traffic Accident Essay Example for Free
Traffic Accident Essay It is believed that the number of the people who have died in trafficaccidents is much higher than that of the people who have died of cancer or any other disease. In Ho Chi Minh City, the problem of traffic accidents is really serious. The following measures should be taken to reduce the seriousness/to minimize the consequences of this problem. Firstly, the system of the main streets in Ho Chi Minh City must be improved or upgraded. It is awful to move along the streets of Ho chi Minh City because most of them are in bad condition and some are full of holes, either big or small. In addition, during the rainy season many streets are flooded with water after a heavy rain. If we are not careful enough, we easily hit other people or fall off our bike or motorbike. Secondly, law-breaking and drunken riders/drivers should be punished strictly. These law-breaking and drunken riders/drivers are the â€Å"devils†of the streets: they operate their motor vehicles at a high speed and sway from one side/curb of the street to the other whenever they feel excited. There is no doubt that one of the main reasons of serious traffic accidents is the riders’ or drivers’ carelessness and lack of self-control. Last but not least, calling for every citizen’s obeying traffic laws is crucial. The cit dwellers’ awareness of the necessity to obey traffic law is quite low; consequently, they travel along the streets without paying close attention to traffic lights and other signals. Quite often, motor-cyclists occupy the lanes for cars and other four-wheel motor vehicles while taxi drivers speed up, forcing the riders/drivers of other vehicles to give way to them. It takes a lot of time and energy to draw the attention of anyone who does travel along the streets in Ho Chi Minh City to the well-established traffic laws here in particular and to make each of the city dwellers a law-abiding citizen in general. But it is worth it!
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - A Model of Courage Essay -- Dr. Martin Lu
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is a Model of Courage To be courageous is necessarily connected with feeling personal danger. If no danger exists, no courage is possible. To show true courage, one must be nonviolent. Violence is the last resort of a coward. For one's courage to truly effect a situation, one must convince others to show the same type of courage. The perfect embodiment of moral courage in the face of serious personal danger is Martin Luther King Jr. King stood up to bigotry through his words and actions. He showed courage without simply thinking that danger may exist, but knowing that danger would exist. He felt that the only way to truly stand up and make a difference is to be punished for just actions. This will inspire followers to show the same impressive courage. Despite nonviolence, King was arrested on a multitude of occasions for breaking the segregation laws of his time period. During one of these arrests, King reflected on his stance in a letter to his fellow clergymen from Birmingham Jail. "There are two types of laws: there are just and there are unjust laws.. An unjust law is no law at all... So I urge men to disobey segregation ordinances because they are morally wrong... One who breaks an unjust law must do it openly, lovingly... and with a willingness to accept the penalty" King is saying that to show moral courage one must not only break the unjust laws, but one must also desire to be caught. To break an unjust law and not be punished will not serve to change the law. King took his own words to heart and broke segregation laws whenever possible. He did this while not just in the face of danger, but with danger breathing down his neck. His ability to endure punishment for a just act inspi... ...at they cannot sit idly by just because the injustices of the time do not affect them. One must act to preserve justice for all, even if one is not the target of injustice. King's moral courage had a profound effect on all those of his time period and in the future. His life and actions have significance for all people, both then and now. King's courage not only changed the world, but his words of many years ago tell people today that the fight is not over. There are people dying due to injustices all over the world. King's words about problems of the past apply to the problems of today. Injustice in the Middle East affects the justice in the life of an average middle income American. Thus, even in death King is able to call us to action. Through openness, nonviolence and a commitment to future justice, King is a model of courage in the face of personal danger.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Parts Emporium Case
Case 3 MBA_731 John Burkhart 11/21/12 Parts Emporium EG151: Exhaust Gasket DB032: Drive Belt 1. Total costs for EG151; include ordering costs and holding costs. Compare this to the current system costs. You do no need to include the cost of safety stock for this comparison. Actual cost for this part: $4. 16 Ordering Cost: $20. 00 Holding cost: 20% of inventory investment Units on hand: 0 Units on back order: 11 Units scheduled receipt: 150 Total Cost: $624 + $20 + $125 = $769 2.Total costs for the DB032; include ordering costs and holding costs. Compare this to the current system. You do not need to include the cost of safety stock for this comparison. Actual cost for this part: $4. 27 Ordering Cost: $10. 00 Holding cost: 20% of inventory investment Units on hand: 324 Total Cost: $1,383. 50 + $10 + $277 = $1670. 50 3. Proposed system for EG151; determine both Q and R. 2. 86 x 52 = 149 4. Proposed system for DB032; determine both Q and R. 1. 76 x 52 = 92 5.For EG151 proposed system, calculate the cost of both safety stock and stock outs. Calculate the cost of stock outs for the current system. Does the safety stock pay off?6. For BD032 proposed system, calculate the cost of both safety stock and stock outs. Calculate the cost of stock outs for the current system. Does the safety stock pay off?Resources: Krajewski, L. , Ritzman, L. , & Malhotra, M. (2010). Operations management process and supply chains. (10th ed. ). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Psychsim 5: Operant Conditioning
Classical Versus Operant Conditioning: Classical and Operant differ in when an event takes place. Classical conditioning involves an event, and then a conditioned response, while Operant relies on a decision, knowing what the following event may be. Reinforcement and Punishment: Reinforcement increases the likelyhood of the behaviour repeating. Giving a dog a treat for coming in after going to the bathroom outside. Removing chores when a teenager obeys their curfew. Punishment decreased the likelyhood of the behaviour repeating. Giving a child time-out for hitting a kid in class. Continuous Versus Partial ReinforcementThe behaviour could likely stop as well. Schedules of Reinforcement Giving reinforcement after a constant number of responses. Paying a teenager after they complete 5 chores. Giving reinforcement after a response, after a constant amount of time has elapsed. Letting a child take a 15 minute break for every hour of homework they do. Giving reinforcement after a changing number of responses. Gamblers at a slot machine don't know how often they'll be reinforced. Giving reinforcement after a response, after a changing amount of time has elapsed. Fishermen don't have a constent reinforcement after casting their line.Simulated Experiment: Variable ratio is the most resistant to extinction long term. In any constant situation, the subject may notice a pattern in the number of responses they must provide, or how long they must wait for a reinforcement. In a variable interval senario, it's true they will respond more because they don't know how short the interval may be, but they won't be constantly responding. In a variable ratio schedule, the subject would have to keep responding, and after a changing amount of responses finally be reinforced. This would keep the subject responding at a higher rate.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Telnet Protocol essays
Telnet Protocol essays Telnet Protocol is a method of providing a standard way of communication between computer terminals. Through Telnet Protocol, computers are able to communicate in a bi-directional and eight-bit oriented method. It is generally used to allow standard terminal interfacing as well as standard The original purpose of a Telnet Protocol is to allow a user login to a remote terminal and have communication access to other terminals through a telnet server program. This telnet server program handles and processes all data passed by every connected terminals. Connection of terminals in a telnet protocol is established using the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), the transmitter of data. Basically, there are three concepts that make telnet protocol an important Network Virtual Terminal Network Virtual Terminal or NVT is an imaginary device that facilitates communication between terminals without the need for terminals to remember each other's characteristics. This is done through mapping of each terminal's characteristics and conventions that make it seem like the there is a virtual terminal that provides similar mapping for all connected terminals. NVT defines the data sent between terminals. An NVT has a printer incoming data, and a keyboard that produces outgoing data. It uses character sets known as the NVT ASCII. All incoming NVT codes are converted into actual codes by a client's telnet program. Such codes include those needed to operate the user's devices such as the display and keyboard. Examples of which are LF or decimal 10 for Line Feed, CR or decimal 13 for Carriage Return, BS or decimal 8 for Backspace, Concept of Negotiations Terminals in a Telnet connection are different from each other. Aside from the NVT conventions that they comply with during...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Social Profile Reports Highlight Metrics That Matter - CoSchedule
Social Profile Reports Highlight Metrics That Matter Knowledge is power. And without data, there’s no way to make critical updates to your overall marketing strategy. especially when it comes to social media strategy. And with random GIFs from friends†¦ Awkward baby photos from your mom†¦ And cat memes filling up your feeds†¦ It’s tougher than ever for marketers to stand out! Let alone know if those messages are reaching the right audience!? Which is why we’re excited to announce ’s newest addition to analytics Social Profile Reports! Highlight metrics that matter with Social Profile Reports in @:With Social Profile Reports, you can Access top social profile reports from one dashboard. Stop downloading reports from individual platforms (or multiple third-party tools). Quickly view important social KPIs for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Pinterest right inside . Refine your social strategy with actionable insight. Track your social performance so you know what’s working (and what isn’t). Use real-time data to make updates to your social strategy, so you can continue to drive results. Connect with your audience + create posts that stand out. Track engagement stats and stop guessing at what will (or will not) resonate with your followers. Utilize your social profile reports to identify top content AND start creating posts you know your audience will love. Get social profile reports delivered right to your inbox with scheduled reports. Create and schedule easy-to-understand reports to your team + stakeholders on a weekly or monthly basis. Giving everyone a pulse on your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Pinterest performance. Understand and take control of the metrics that matter with Social Profile Reports. What are you waiting for? Understand and take control of the metrics that matter with Social Profile ReportsAccess Top Social Profile Reports From One Dashboard Stop downloading reports from individual platforms (or multiple third-party tools). Quickly view important social KPIs for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Pinterest right inside . Select which profile report you want to view from the dashboard and Ta-da! You’ve got instant access to performance data for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn or Pinterest in just one click. Have multiple Twitter accounts? Or Facebook pages? You can quickly pull account specific data by selecting a profile from the dropdown menu at the top of each profile report. Set your desired date range to track page analytics on a weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual basis. With Social Profile Reports, you now have an active pulse on how your social media channels are performing. Access reports anytime to help identify trends, dips, or peaks in channel performance. So you can continually focus on improving your social strategy Like the productive genius you are. Automate #social #media #analytics like the productive genius you are.Refine Your Social Strategy With Actionable Insight With Social Profile Reports, you can track your social marketing efforts so you know what’s working (and what isn’t). And use real-time data to make updates to your strategy, so you can continue to drive results. Because when it comes to social media strategy†¦. It gets overwhelming to think through all the important details. Are you posting enough on each network? Are you sharing at the right time of the day? Are you posting important messages on the right day of the week? Social Profile Reports can empower you with actionable insight AND equip you with the right stats to make critical decisions. Get an accurate gauge on your posting frequency and view†¦ How many posts you’ve published during the set time period. The average # of posts you send per day. Which day of the week you send the majority of your messages. Get access to a more in-depth breakdown of which days and times you’re publishing (including which messages were sent from ReQueue vs. scheduled). Use this info to determine if you have any imbalances in posting frequency and reveal any opportunities to post more often or rearrange your scheduled content to fill in open days and times on your calendar. Then take it one step further And uncover the Best Day To Post and Best Time To Post based on your individual social profile reports. When you have important social content to share, you can confidently publish on the ideal day and time to connect with your most engaged followers. Scheduling a bunch of posts for a campaign? Identify trends in high engagement across time of day AND day of the week. Scheduling a bunch of posts for a campaign? Identify trends in high engagement across time of dayAnd post when your most engaged followers are active online. But still†¦ You may find yourself wondering if you’re posting enough†¦ Fill in the gaps on your calendar and intelligently automate your social strategy with ReQueue. Check out your ReQueue Summary to see how many gaps are in your calendar for your current social network. Add more evergreen content to your ReQueue groups and update your ReQueue settings to automatically post when you have lulls in your calendar. Giving you more opportunities to reach your audience.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Outline the factors which influence mental health in later life and Essay
Outline the factors which influence mental health in later life and consider how social workers can contribute to the promotion of mental health and well-being amongst older people AND their carers - Essay Example This is considered the age when one becomes an older person. According to the World Health Organization (2007), there are three age groups that older people can be divided into. The first group is older workers from the age of 55 to 64. The second group is older people from the age of 65 to 79 years while the third group is 80 years and above. These older age groups are the most diverse in terms of education, attitudes, family background, social background, hobbies, preferences and political attachments. There are six main factors that influence mental health. These are financial security, life span experiences, and structural factors such as housing, employment, social support and individual coping skills. The mental health of older people as well as their well-being issues in older people are unique and have a greater relevance to them. Retirement is an issue that has great relevance to people who are 60 to 80 years age (National Institute for Mental Health in England 2003). As much as it means relief from responsibilities, retirement also mean a loss of status, less social relationships and a reduced role in life. This age group also suffers from health and physical deterioration, changing the environment from moving their home, loss of financial stability and a loss of sense of belonging. People aged 80 years and above are found to increasingly lose friends, family members and their spouses (Lehtinen 2008). They use their sense of purpose in life and their functional ability deteriorates. These people constantly deal with bereavement, death and the fact that their own life is ending. Not all of those older people are the same. They have different values, life experiences, health, economic status and culture. When planning the promotion of the mental health for older people, all of these factors should be put into consideration. A person’s continuity through life gives them a positive history filled with experiences. This continuity gives a person
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